Monday, February 04, 2008

Just a wacky idea....maybe....

It is a pretty cold morning today and after I got the reason I wake up coffee going in the coffee maker, I slowly walked into the living room to open the windows to check the weather. On my way....I stepped on encountered many many little teeny tiny what-the-heck-is-that objects that actually really hurt the bottom of my feet.
Now...I know that Lego's are a part of any young child's life...even as they get older, this particular toy is....ageless. I'll find myself sometimes, sitting down with the boys and creating something of my own....which is usually quickly torn apart by my 5-year-old because "dat's not right".....We gotta work on his ability to accept others' works of play.
Where was I? I limped back into the kitchen to pry small Lego pieces out of my foot....I started to imagine a floor.....covered in......this.......

Wouldn't that be great?!?!? All those little annoying pieces...stuck in one area!!!

I wouldn't need a whole floor, mind you....just a corner of that floor (because, really, though they are little, those little puppies are pretty least they are here!!)
If I had this kind of "space", wouldn't the boys be more compelled to keep the pieces on the green?? (or am I dreaming in a "fantasy world" again??)

Hmmmm.......maybe I'll send a letter to the Lego company and see what they say!!!

*If there are any spelling errors in this message, I do apologize. For some reason, I can't get the spellcheck to work. Anyone else using Blogger having that problem?? It's fingers are frozen and typing is difficult...I need another cup of java to be functioning at 100%....whatever!! As I tell my students, "My English is really good....but my spelling sucks."


Anonymous said...

I think you have something there with the floor tile. I remeber those days(lego feet) like it was yesterday. Funny thing is Rhian just took home our massive collection and builds with them on a regular basis. Shellie

Mrs. G. said...

I think there is real possibility here.

katydidnot said...

Legos in the feet, only a good cup of coffee can make me feel better after that. I can always gage my stress level by whether or not I cry when I step on them.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

We have our old Legos stored in the garage for the visits of younger cousins. Whenever they visit (as they did last weekend), Danger Boy (age 14) spends days playing with them.