Tuesday, February 16, 2010

the color pink...can bring a smile to my face or a tear to my eye...

The other day, my friend,
Yumi, brought her
3-month-old baby to class......

and no, she
wasn't bored,
thank you very much...

class was interrupting
her nap time!

And this...

is one of THE most perfect

pictures I think I will

ever take.


Monday, dawned cold and drizzly.

In the corner of our garden.....I saw something that the boys and I always look for this time of year....

Our favorite tree....a weeping willow-esque ume (plum...but not for eating, just a flowering kind)
has started blooming.....

The blooms are so light and wonderful to just look at...but, the scent they have is even more beautiful.

Can't you just almost smell spring in the air??


Some days, you wake up just knowing that, despite the crappy weather and slight headache threatening to become a reality, you know it is going to be a special day.

And it was.

Thanks to the blossoms in our garden....and

this beauty from Las Vegas.... via San Diego!!

(She is now hanging in the doorway between the kitchen and living room!)

The bond

that links your true family

is not one of blood, but

of respect and joy in

each other's life.

Rarely do members

of one family grow up

under the same


--Richard Bach

Thanks Jenn....oh so very much!

{{hugs}} to you for thinking of me, even while enjoying your stay in Vegas....

at the Flamingo Hotel !!!

Issei's comment: I've never really seen one flying!

Thanks for changing that!!


jlo said...

Pink is one of my favorite's too!

Cid said...

Ahh blossoms, my SIL who lives in Bristish Columbia sends me "Smug Shots" of the flowers blooming in February. We, back east, are still under many feet of snow and will be for a while. Keep posting your Smug Shots.

smalltownme said...

I have some daffodils blooming. Yay!

Shellie said...

Yumi...would that be the one Austin knows...he always ask me to ask you about her.

Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

OK, stinkin' cute baby, and lovely photo of the hands. Lovely pictures of the ume too, I get that feeling the one where you just can't wait for spring to come (BE-YOU-TI-FUL garden by the way...) But loved the quote! ... and the flamingo of course...

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Why look at that--once you actually put something in the mail it doesn't take all that long to get there!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Like the picture of flower and a baby. He is so cute. Like the floral layout of your blog. Iflorist.co.uk

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Love the blossoms. Can we get another picture when it's in full bloom?

Yarni Gras! said...

love the tree....and flamingo...but that baby photo is just so sweet :-)

Nancy said...

Wow, you have some awesome photog skills lady!

And Bach, I LOVE his books, words, thoughts,and have quoted him many times.

Can you kiss those baby cheeks for me next time she comes to class with her mommy?