Monday, February 23, 2009

No, really...where DID Sunday go?

Well...butter my butt and call me a biscuit. The day is done. It's waaay past the time that I should have gone to bed. Is the laundry folded and put away? (Folded? yes. Put away? oh, well...that would be a "no".) Did I get my room organized like I have been needing to for the last year three months? (Ha! Ha! That one is a good one!!) Did I get the restroom cleaned? (Quickly gone over with a sponge, bowl bleached and new air freshener opened.)

I did spend some quality time on the sofa with my youngest. He was feeling pretty sad. Big brother and his friends "encouraged" him to come home really early from where they were playing. I have to admit, though, that I can see this situation from both sides.

I understand that Koji loves his brother and wants to spend time with "the big kids" because their toys are just so much more fun (Wii and/or Nintendo DS vs. Gameboy, for example) and yet, for Issei, having one's little brother tagging along every weekend, has to get a bit old. (And just for the record, I loved my little brothers and enjoyed hauling their butts and their friends' butts all over town and here and there from the time I turned 16 until I left for college, oh..yes...I really did. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

So, Little K-man and I curled up on the sofa under Grandpa Charles' blanket and watched mind-numbing programs on that particular channel which is home to a very famous mouse. Things were going really nicely until...when I got up one time to get some tea, I must have been curled up crooked because when I went to stand up, I got a yowchy feeling in my back.

Me: Ouch! My back hurts.
Koji: 'Cause you're old??
Me: grrrrrrrrrrr. (mumbling to myself...) Damn kids.

The birthday cake that really....wasn't.
This morning, I had all the fixin's out for the cake we were going to make for Issei's birthday...the "real" cake, that is. He had a drawing of some character from some animation he likes and I was ready to go.
As I got out the whipped cream stuff, he just "~~sigh~~"-ed really big. I asked him, "What the heck was that for?". He then explained that the whipped cream reminded him of the dessert I had made a while back that he really really liked and instead of making a cake could I make that again because really, he had "birthday cake" on Friday night after sushi and we didn't have to make the one with the character so could I please make that one, you remember the one with the peaches and pudding and cake on the bottom?
(I was really paying attention because honestly...if it's not something about a DS game, he doesn't really talk like that!!)
So...plans changed. After a quick trip to the grocery store, I got busy.

Cut some canned peaches and mangos up.

Made vanilla pudding...from scratch. (uh-huh...I really did.)

Whipped up some cream.

Crumbled up a Valentine's sponge cake I got for half price. (Which actually worked better because with it being a little dry, it really soaked up the fruit juice!!)

Layer that all in a glass bowl and


This is what was left...just enough for the K-man to have a bowl tomorrow!!

Total yumminess!!

Since it was rainy for most of the day...and because I'd rather do anything, it seems, than what I really should....I got out the sewing machine again and made 2 coasters and a small mat. The purple material is from some left-over hula skirt material...and the blue? Yep, still working on using up my old was a very big skirt!! :-D

Again....not perfect, but I am getting better. Might possibly give this to one of the hula ladies in my group (she always gives me snacks, sweets, and stuff!!)...and being the "good Japanese girl" that I am, that is what I should probably "repay her for the kindness she has shown me".

(Something they do almost every night!)

Just watch the old commercial and then the photo of my three goofballs might possibly be explained. The commercial is from, maybe the early 70's....I'll have to go in and check...whenever it was, it definitely made a big impression on the K-man.
If I had a dollar for every time he has rubbed his face and chin and said, "MMMMMMandom." (like Charles Bronson in the commercial!) I would be a very rich woman by now.
And now....the boys do it.

But's another one...this one is in English!!
Check out the door design at the very beginning!!
Classic!! (she typed, while rolling her eyes.)


JO said...

I am with ya D. Where does a Sunday go??!! (Oh, and I also understand the little bro/big bro dichotomy, and am dealing with it myself this fine sunday afternoon!).

Hope your Monday morning is going well!

kim said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the regular blogging you do! It is soooo fun for me to know what is going on over the Pacific! I feel totally caught up with your life - sorry you can't say the same for me!
Love you!

3rdEyeMuse said...

I don't know ... seems like I'm still chasing Sunday! lol ... ok, ok, I do have a few more hours left & actually got a bit accomplished, but it REALLY has flown by.

Lovely of Issei to not only remember the dessert, but to share in such a sweet way (totally get that animation and "deep feedling" speak only happening when about "those" things ... Sadie, too). I have to admit that I'm with Issei - that dessert looks scrumptious! :)

and thank you! (for making me feel young, even if it's just a lark - I seriously don't remember that commercial, but have a tendency not to remember anything before high school ... go figure).

ok, just noticed am rambling, so ...

Ciao' Bella!

Nancy said...

Mmmmmmm, cake looks awesome!

I LOVE the 3 Mmmandom !

Janet said...

I love that the cake is heart shaped!

Grandy said...

It's almost 11pm on my Sunday night...I have a business plan due in the morning...trying not to freak and obviously my ADD is getting the better of me.
Your desert looks great!! :)

Debra Owen said...

You have totally made me laugh today! Thank you so much. I needed that.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

How can you resist a houseful of mamdom?!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Man, you were productive for a Sunday! I took a nap, too, a nap and then went to bed early. That dessert looks divine. Will those leftovers keeps if you ship them to me today?

The Other Laura said...

We must talk about sewing sometime. I go a sewing machine for Christmas and I'm a little nervous about starting a beginner's project.