Since staying up until about 3:30 watching the inaugural festivities on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning and theeeeeEEEEn getting up at 6:30 and doing my very best impersonation of "seize the day"......I still haven't caught up on my sleep.
It's midnight here...and I'm exhausted.
But....since it IS Friday......
Oh!!! One more thing.....
It seems that I missed the whole "delurking day" last week.....I managed to do some delurking of my own, but didn't say anything here. is your chance, you lurky-loos you.....make a comment...please. I do so love to get them...and who knows, I might just send you a message back....(I'm kind of crazy like that!!) You don't have to say much....come know you want to. And think of how happy you will make me!!
To those who come back here, time after time and leave really great comments....
thank you.
Did someone ever give you flowers...for no reason...not your birthday or anniversary (yeah, like THAT would ever happen here!!!) or anything....they gave you flowers just because they were really nice people who liked you and knew the kind of flowers you liked?
When I get comments.....that's how it makes me feel.
All warm fuzzyish all over. And thank you for that.
I get to give you your first warm-fuzzy!
Yes, I confess, I tend to be a lurker. I don't comment too often but that doesn't mean I don't love you! If I were there in Japan with you, I would buy you a bouquet of flowers (and lunch from the yummy bakery place you introduced to me) just to make you smile. I miss you! *muah*
I missed the delurking day too.
Enjoy the weekend,get some rest and s l o w down, how else is Matthew going to catch up with you!
good night, Debbie-doodle! sweet dreams & may you be fully restored & refreshed when you wake.
actually, yes. once (not that long ago) a client brought me roses to the salon ... she just thought I might enjoy them, so I totally know that feeling you are talking about.
oh! spouse and child told me that they made a trip to the post office ... don't know how long it takes, but they went last week sometime. :)
Aren't you the dedicated ex-pat, losing precious beauty sleep for our new president!
I can't recall giving flowers to just anybody for just any reason. I did give flowers to my friend who gave me a free massage, even tho it hurt like %$#!. So I suppose there's something extra generous about that ; )
i am not a lurker. just wanted to say hello and brrrrrrrrrrr.
my mouse hand is like ice (next to the window is really cold.....) oh oh, heater just went off... 6 degrees in the living room, right now!!!!
Have a restful weekend. Friday couldn't get here fast enough for me this week.
Here's some more warm fuzzies. Now go to sleep!
I didn't bother with delurking day.. I'm too afraid of what it would do to my ego when no one showed up!
Sleep well and have a fantastic weekend Debbie-doodle.
I'm sorry. Did you say something? I was distracted by that last picture.
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