And...just in case you are wondering...yes, it is STILL raining!!!
Before I go on with this...I just want to thank those of you who commented and sent "bloggy luv and hugs" messages this week....all were appreciated more than you will ever know!!! And for those who just stopped by and read...thank you for doing that!!!
For the past week or so, I've been thinking about a meme that I was tagged with by MsTeacher...where we are to make some (drum roll please....) Summer Time Goals.
For me....Issei is still in school and won't be out for "summer holiday" until July 20 (I think...need to check the schedule). It's been hard to come up with things I want to accomplish during the "summer".....but....after my last couple of posts, I have come up with one that I think might possibly be a bit of a challenge, that I can succeed at doing...starting right now!!!
Summer Time Goal #1
I'm going to be more positive and try not to be so gosh darn cranky.
I'm usually a very happy person. One time during class, some of my students asked me if I was ever which I answered "But, of course."
The didn't believe me.
I then proceeded to explain that it didn't happen very often...but when it out!! It really wasn't very pretty. usually happened on the weekends, when I'm not around my students...only my family is lucky enough (?) to be witness to the event. So....I'm going to work on squelching those negative thoughts...putting the bite on "Ms. Cranky".......and her place will be.....
Speaking of my students.....I consider myself lucky to have about 130 of the nicest and funnest (and funniest!) people in my classes!!! The other day, one of my ladies brought everyone some souvenirs from her visit to Seattle (her son and his family live there). She and her husband spent 10 days there and they had a wonderful time.....yes, I know...Of course, they did!!! Anyway....she brought some Seattle's Chocolates (Oh, my Lawd!! Second only to See's...IMHO!!!) While everyone was happily munching their orange and raspberry and other absolutely divine chocolaty tidbits...she "psssst"'ed me and then handed me a bag. I very carefully opened the bag and peaked in and .....Oh My!!! I was a happy camper!!!!
Yesterday, Koji brought home an art project from the daycare. About once a month, a special teacher comes and does some really cool and fun things with the kids. This week....they were to make clocks...using different colors of paper and they were supposed to make arms and legs by braiding some pieces together thus getting that "boingyboingy" effect. Everyone did a great job and all had their boingy arms and legs....all had his own agenda that day...and really...why should this day have been any different?
Personally....the clock is so "Koji"....and is hanging in the living room, watching over us as we go about our day and forever stuck at 3:32.
oh you ARE lucky! Don't worry...rainy season will be over soon. Course then it'll be humid season LOL!
Good to see you are back to your old self (almost)
Glad to read that things are looking up in your world!
Why is that we save the worst of ourselves for those we love best?
Looooove the clock.
Glad "Little Miss Sunshine", has entered the room. Even on a bad day/week, you are still full of fun.
Luv ya
Well, little Miss Sunshine, you don't see all that cranky to me. I could show you cranky!!! :)
What a great student to bring back special souvenirs, just for you. That must have put a huge smile on your face.
Here's to hoping your weekend will be equally happy! :)
Anyone who brings you Jif is a friend for life.
Our tradition for non-working clocks is to set them to "4 of 2" in honor of the They Might Be Giants song - if you aren't familiar, check it out on YouTube.
The dragon clock is brilliant.
Good luck with the Miss Sunshine thing...
I enjoyed this because I was in a cranky mood yesterday, and there are days when we feel like we are the only ones who have it.
Hope the rain stops soon!
I love that clock!
OK I will join you on your challenge - I am so cranky with the family!
I'm lovin' the dragon and LOVIN' the peanut butter. I know you're stoked. :)
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