Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A souvenir from America

I found this in my 7-year-old son's wallet today. about your "Wordless Wednesday"!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Answer: Clean, Camouflage, Hide...Clean, Camouflage, Hide...

Question: What is Debbie's mantra for the next 4 days?

Do you ever do this: live very comfortably in your house or apartment, knowing full well that you could probably spend a little bit more time picking up, dusting, putting away, but for one reason or another and mainly because it really isn't that bad, you juuuuust let it go? And then....when someone, who has NEVER been before, decides to come and visit, you start looking at your abode with different eyes...I was using my late Grandmother's...and suddenly you realize that your soon-to-be-here guests, unless they are blind, might be a tad bit disappointed? Uncomfortable? Disgusted?
My sister and her husband will be flying in from Atlanta on Thursday. I have four days to either get this place whipped into shape...or move to a new house all together.
I actually asked a friend of mine, who lives in an incredible house and whose children are grown and gone if we could borrow their house while they were out of town (conveniently, at the same time my sister will be here).
She laughed.
She thought I was kidding.
I might have been....just a little.
~~heavy sigh~~
I have spent the last day and a half doing just that. The boys' room is now in okay condition....considering that it is somewhere between this
and this

I'm thinking that we are okay here. We do need to clean out a drawer or two for my sis and BIL to use...unless, they don't mind living out of their suitcases for the duration....Hey! it's only 7 days!! :-)

There are certain "storage places" in this house that are just out of control.
For example.....

here are some shelves in our bathroom that are full of vitamins, lotions, aromatic body washes and soaps, sprays, powders and what-not that I have no control whatsoever when it comes to NOT buying when I see them.

(In my defense, I don't know what particular scent I'm going to want to wear of a day....I'm prepared for pretty much anything.)
So, last weekend, I spent a couple of hours making these..
to camouflage the evidence of my hedonistic ways. A successful venture, if I should say so myself.

(Yeah, yeah, I know...I could have spent the two hours actually going through all those and getting them organized...but...look how nice that curtain looks...and look again....I also made a curtain for the door!!)

Just for the record....
do NOT open this door...
**Look!! Something seems to be actually trying to escape!!

..and don't even think about touching this...

I'm just saying.

I think that the excitement of my sister coming for a visit is way more powerful than that of the desire to go and clean the toilet one more time. I can already feel the time until I have until their arrival sloooowly slipping away!!


I hopes of getting over this unneeded anxiety
(They're family, for crying out loud!!!):

a) We will use very little lighting...keeping it dark may be the plan here...I have candles and I'm not afraid to use them.

b) We will have on hand...mass quantities of alcohol....which will make anything (or anyone) absolutely beautiful!! If anything, they will quickly go to sleep and not have time to reeeeally have a look.

In the 18 years I have lived here, other than my mom (who has been here 8 or 9 times), her friend Karen (who came with Mom one time) and my good friend Lila (who actually lived here before)....Sara and Jarrett are the only others who have chosen to venture across "the big water" and come be tourists.
Sis Sara and BIL Jarrett are now #'s 5 and 6 on our list of "people who can stay with us when we someday move to Hawaii".
Everyone else?
We'll help you find a very nice hotel, close to our place.
At least that way, I won't have to clean!!
Again...I'm just saying.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The one where Debbie is so tired she can't even ramble or be random....yep, she's THAT tired

Moneygami Flamingo
The last couple of days have been hectic and busy beyond the norm....but still in a good way...not in a bad way. And it has all just pretty much kicked my butt to the curb this evening.
I've been sitting here for the last 10 45 minutes or so trying to put together something that would be postable....pppffffflllltttttttt.
And so....I'm going to bed.
I'll post something tomorrow....
Have a great Friday!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ah....the workings of a little boy's mind continue to amaze and amuse me

Take one independent, creative 7-year-old b0y....

....add the feeling that he doesn't really have his "own space"....

....and you get this......

....the perfect one bedroom flat, complete with desk, bugs, some snacks, books...all the things an enterprising young man needs.... become a raging success!
And FYI....just in case you're wondering....he has a futon that he puts on the floor to sleep on.
Of course, that futon, folded up during the day--doubles as an easy-chair up there for him.
If he asks me for a small refrigerator and a TV, I'm going to have to say "no".

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday Meanderings.....aaaaand...We have a Winner!!!

First order of business today.....the announcement of the lucky reader whose name was drawn (seriously, out of a hat, by the K-man!) for the Japanese doll.........

maewestern you lucky girl you....your name was drawn!!! yeah!!!
Now...if you will just e-mail me your snail-mail details I can get
"Doll #2...or #4...
no #2...Definitely #2" in the mail to you!! :-D

Thanks so much to everyone who was interested in these beautiful dolls! Some of you sent messages offering to 'adopt' one and I'm saying right now...OKAY!!! As soon as maewestern and I get the answers to the mailing questions I had, I will definitely let you know!!
IF you are interested in getting one (you pay only shipping and handling), just send me a message and tell me. I'll get pictures of the other dolls put up/sent out as soon as I can!!
And now....on with the meanderings!!!
"No really. WHICH one?"

A dog? A bunny?
I said "dog", but was outnumbered by the bunny-loving men in my family.
What do you think?

This....would make a great album cover.

So would this one.

The other day in one of my all-time favorite classes...we were doing a warm up exercise, designed to get students thinking quickly in English.
I asked them to fill in the blanks of some sentences, trying to get them to come up with as many different answers as they could.
Sentence: For breakfast, I'd like to have a bowl of ___________.
One student: "Serious."
(Me, too, too.)

Yes. I have a bamboo steamer...and I'm not afraid to use it.
(I don't, however, have the ginzu knife set. Damn.)
(This was somen kabocha, spaghetti squash. Yeah, I was a happy camper the other nite.)

For Janet.
Last night as I was doing dishes, I noticed the soap bubbles on one glass I was about to rinse.
Can you see what I saw?
(It's kind of I was looking for my camera, the bubbles slid a bit.....)
Look carefully.......

...a little bit closer now......

Janet is right....there is love everywhere you look!!!

These flowers were at the temple yesterday. They were beautiful and upon closer inspection we realized that they.....
were made from paper plates.
Man, but those temple dudes are good!!!

Though I love Colorado and her mountains very much....
if I ever had to leave here, I'd HAVE to live somewhere close to
the water...because I would miss this...
way too much.

Koji....doing his best impersonation of a dog.
A really cute dog.

We are right smack dab in the middle of a 5-day holiday, which began on Saturday. This holiday is being called "Silver Week" was keiro no hi, or "Respect for the Aged Day"....hence the silver??
Actually, we have another long holiday in May and it is called "Golden Week", so I'm thinking they are just sticking with the theme. Who knows. All I know is that I have two more days of being at home with the boys...the weather has been great (knock on wood) so they have been able to play outside.
Thank you, Lord for that!!
Have a great week...
and if a silver someone you know is close,
stop by and say "hi" or take him/her to lunch...
flowers and sweets are calls are good, too.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I wonder if the Myth Busters could test this one....

Theory: There is a genetic connection passed down from one generation to another that is made up of tacky DNA.

I have been asked one question (in particular) over the years....
"Why do you like flamingos so much?"
I don't really have an answer. For as long as I can remember, I have had many different, yet all lovely, pink objects of varying sizes and materials around me. I can't give you (if you are asking, that is) a definite answer, so my pat response has been "It's DNA."
You don't mess with DNA and genes and stuff, so that answer usually buys me some time.
When I was little, my grandmother (who had her own fondness for the color pink!), had hanging in her living room, two pictures (paintings, perhaps) of flamingos.
They were quite big and were framed in what lovers of the kitschy 50's style of decorating would lust after. The frames were a light color but what set these frames apart from others were the mirrored edges around the pictures, within the frames.
I remember seeing those hanging on the wall and thinking that those two pictures were THE most beautiful things I had ever seen. I remember thinking that I really wanted those paintings.

I wish I could show you a picture of them, they are safely bubble-wrapped and stored in my Mom's garage in the States, sadly, I cannot share with you their loveliness. Grandma gave them to me when I graduated from university in 1986....they are my treasures.
Remember my new toys I got yesterday? The little Pink Flamingo gift set I was so excited about?
Well...this morning, I got a really nice surprise from my sister.....with the message:
Mine say "hi" to yours from the top of my filing cabinet at work!
This....made me smile all day long!!!
(and sis got a gene....the "clean your office and make sure there is no dust...anywhere" gene from Grandma......that seems to have missed me. dammit.)
My sister and I are 15 years and live miles/a world apart from each other, and have for most of her life, but....the magic of the flamingo...just brought us a whole hell of a lot closer!
*MythBusters image from Google**

Friday, September 18, 2009

Flamingo Fun....'cause that's what we do here, dontcha know

**But before we continue with the regular scheduled blog posting, let me remind you/tell you about the Japanese doll giveaway.......go to THIS POST and read all about it. (But don't forget to come back!!) Okay...continue on....

Today in the mail, along with some other stuff I ordered from from that Internet book know...sounds kind of like Slamajon....I was excited to find this amongst the books.

I had been waiting for a few weeks (one book had to come from the States) and had forgotten I had ordered this little box.

It's my own little Flamingo Garden Set...complete with my own "grass".

Obviously, my flamingos have a bit of a way to go before they are like the ones in the book.
Oh well, everyone needs something to
work towards, right? Right.

In the little handbook, along with party ideas were some flamingo worthy drink recipes. Me thinks we may be trying one or two of those.

Crazy Flamingos...just standing there...ignoring the drinks and I can't believe that not one of them is playing the ukulele!!

After dinner, I brought them back here to my escape room computer area.

I let them alone for a get used to the new surroundings.

The gang that has been here a while stood and watched....checking out the new birds...trying to figure out what was going on.
But pretty soon, the Beautiful Hulamingo (my personal favorite) took the first step and began to do a welcome dance for the new 'mingos.

Soon others who also live on the desk joined in and a party ensued.

It won't take long and those news guys? Yeah...they'll be just fine.
(If they could just get over the fence!!)
Happy Friday, everyone!!
I wish you all some crazy, imaginative thoughts today.
Have fun with them!!

**Photo direction and basic story idea by Koji**

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

C'mon, Doll....pick might get it

"I helped some friends, now You help me and you might win something" giveaway post!!

A few months ago, one of my students and his wife told me they were cleaning out some rooms in their house and had some Japanese dolls they wanted to get rid of and asked if I wanted them to give to my friends?

(Actually, I think my friends were going to throw them away, which I thought was just wrong!!)

The dolls are old....they belonged to their kids...and their kids are my age....Not that I'm saying WE are old or anything mind you, but as far as dolls go....they are not new.
Originally, dolls like these are given to girls to celebrate the Girls' Festival which is in March. Usually, parents or grandparents will present these dolls to a girl, especially to celebrate her first Girls' Festival.

Anyway.....I now have about 8 of these dolls in my boxes, stacked neatly against a wall just waiting for something to be done with them.
I would someday like to have ALL of them on their way to somewhere else , whether it's the US, or Canada or London or even another city in Japan (I do have lurkers here, don't I? Hi Kelsey!!)....I don't really care where they go, just as long as they go.
After moving them from another place in my room, AGAIN, in hopes of straightening up said room, I have come up with a that will help me out and possibly make one of my readers very happy.

Here's the plan:
I would like to be able to offer the dolls to people but, since they were given to me, I don't feel very comfortable selling them (I know! Who would have imagined I'd be thinking like that?!?!), so......I would like to offer them to people for the cost of shipping.
Here's where you (oh yeah, I'm talking to you, sweeties!) come in:
I need to find out how the shipping thing is going to work out.....Will the box make it there in one piece? Will it cost and arm and a leg to send? Will it take weeks or months to reach it's final destination? and once the doll gets there, what kind of shape will it be in?

So....I am going to offer one lucky person....

a doll.....

for free, ya'll....

to help me find the answers to those questions.

All you have to do, if you are interested in getting one of these really pretty dolls is....leave me a comment....tell me which doll you prefer.
You will have until Monday morning, the 21st (that would be Sunday night, the 20th for most of you NOT in this part of the world!!).....leave me a comment and tell me which doll you'd like and I'll put your name in the pot/hat/bowl/whatever I have handy at the moment.

The dolls are each about 10 inches tall (give or take), one is a bit shorter than the others...the beautiful traditional clothes are all hand-sewn from Japanese kimono material. The faces are made of a really good quality plastic....that doesn't look like plastic, when you first look at them.

Originally, the dolls came in glass boxes, but....yeah......nooooo....I really don't think I want to mail a glass box overseas!! Not enough bubble-wrap in the country that would make THAT idea a good one!!

So....look at the dolls....pick the one you'd like and if you're lucky, you will get one!! Good luck...and know...for helping me out!!

And so now...I give you (if you're the lucky one!).....

Doll #1
(She is actually still in the glass case, hence the little bit of reflection.)

Doll #2

(This one is a geisha with a bird in a small cage and a little boy, who probably would have been her servant.)

Doll #3

(This one is the smaller one. She has a small bunch of flowers in her hand. Koji and I like her feet...very cute!)

Doll #4
(This one has a beautiful kimono and is carrying a branch with "flowers".)

So....there you go.
Which one do YOU like best?
Which one would you like to have?
Come on....pick one!!
Thanks so much.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

...a heartfelt message from her blog

My Dear Blog,
First I want you to know that I appreciate all you have done for me for the past 241 posts. You have been there when I needed you and you have helped me feel safe and not so alone many a night. You have introduced me to a whole new group of friends with whom I truly do feel a very close connection.
I also feel, though, that I have neglected you and I need you to know that this was NOT my intention. You....are my first love. But, I have to admit that....well...ahem...I have been spending time with someone new.
Now...don't worry., I know you are much more stable and I need that in my life, know...sometimes, a girl has to live a little crazy and Facebook that other place has opened up a whole new world to me..... I feel a new sense of freedom over there. I've found out so much about myself in the past few months...I've taken the quizzes...I know how I compare to all the others out there....I've built a wall and have decorated it quite nicely with lots of buttons and fun stuff and have received so many messages from people...I received flowers and "presents" and a whole bunch of other stuff that is really nice (but, I have to admit that I do tend to just delete the most of it...but, still, it's all really nice)....I've been able to meet up with people that I thought I had lost forever....


don't worry...

once I have them hooked,

I'll bring them back'll like them and they will love you.
Please be patient with me my friend....I'll try to be here more regularly...I promise.
Thank you...for being so understanding.'m going over there now to

check the status of my friends and update mine because it feels like this incredible weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I really want to share it with everyone.


Friday, September 11, 2009

In Memory...

...of all those that lost their lives on that terrible morning, 8 years ago.

I remember watching the news that night as I was getting my things ready for the next day....then....the first reports on CNN...the speculations of everyone and as we watched the second plane crash into the second tower, I remember the total shock of what I was witnessing....I stayed up most of the night in front of the TV, knowing I would get very little sleep...hoping...praying...that what was happening was all a big mistake.
I remember, as I sat watching the news at school, the next morning, the moment that huge American flag was dropped over the side of the Pentagon....I sat in that room and just sobbed...uncontrollable tears rolling down my face....feeling the most incredible feeling of helplessness.
I hope never to have to experience that again.

As on that day 8 years ago, my thoughts and prayers, today, are with the families and loved ones of those who died.

Images from GoogleImages

Friday, September 04, 2009

It's amazing the things I find that have my name on them

In my funning around deep research on the Internet to find pictures worthy of my Friday post, I came across these tonight....and I have to tell you that I was more than just a little excited about all of them.

My friends....

I give you....... how much fun could this be? It's a kid....with some good friends....who just so happens to be a super hero of the flamingo kind.
He's got a great outfit.... a mean awesome kick....and DUDE!! He's got a pink cape!!

He's even got a very cool flying machine.
("High and flighty"....I love that!!)
**And I am lovin' that pink scarf!**

I wish you all a day where you find a serendipity-esque something that makes you really happy...makes you almost giggle when you think about it.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

So...was I channeling Marilyn Monroe....

...or was it really, just a wacky kind of Wednesday?

This morning was one of those "Hot damn, but I feel good!" kind of days.
Take one good hair day....
toss in a really good night's sleep (think cool and not sticky!)
then....put on a new summer dress that was not only incredibly cheap (Thanks again, Lila-doo!) but also looked really good on me....and maybe even
put on a pair
of slinky new "undergarments"...
then to make it all come together as I am walking down the street/sidewalk/stairway, put this song in my head....
and you have the makings for, what I like to call, my
equivalent to John Travolta's "street strut".
(you know...from Saturday Night Live)

Wednesdays, I have one class in the morning that I have been teaching for a little over 5 years. They are a group of 25 (yeah, I know...big!!), but they are one of my all-time favorite classes and I love them. They make my week! three different three different times...I was told,
"You look like Marilyn Monroe today."
Okay. I KNOW that I don't look like's the was the dress...and probably a bit of the 'tude, too. looking like Marilyn Monroe (as with Meg Ryan, Princess Diana oh, yeah..uh huh I've been told that! and Goldie Hawn), I'm thinking it's more of a
"from the a the dark...
after three shots of tequila" kind of looking like Marilyn.
(or Meg or Di or Goldie)
But was different.
Honey....I WAS Marilyn. Swear to you, now.
(I was even wondering if there was an air vent to stand test the idea. Something tells me that it was probably a good thing I didn't find one!!
The fan in our house worked just fine!! :-D )

Gosh....I wonder who I'm going to be tomorrow.......

So.....if you could channel someone....

who would it be??