Sunday, April 12, 2009

Having lived in Japan for so long, I no longer know what "6 inches" looks like

6 inches or

15.2 centimeters

I wonder if other foreigners have been faced with this problem:

Someone tells you that an object is "6 inches long" and for a few really have to remember....holy hell! 6 inches?!?!

** at this point of the post...go ahead...get the jokes over KNOW you just can't stand it...go ahead.....I'll wait............And really!! Do you think I'm going to post about that ?!?!?! Sure....I've been tempted....and I've tapped danced around it, your minds out of the gutter and join me....up here....where the porn and trash just float by with only slight glimpses by a parade!!**

The other day, Michelle, one of my incredibly talented and inspiring friends posted something on her blog that I just fell in love with. (stop it!!)

The kind of artwork she does, I do so admire. Many days I go to her place to read and I expect to see a new project or changes in an ongoing one...and believe me, she has many wonderful things she is working on...all at the same time, it's a magical place. the post about this particular wonderfulness that she has made, she gave directions and in those directions she said that she had made hers "about 6 inches tall". Okay. No problem. So...I get the pattern and adjust the size a bit, I get it all put together and even though they are a bit not-perfect (but still really cute), they are incredibly small. Issei got out his handy-dandy ruler and sure enough....7.6 centimeters....which is 3 inches.

And at this point.....I started to laugh...possibly even snorted a time or two.

By the way....the things I made? I need to make a few more before I feel comfortable enough to share them....yeah, I know...color my butt insecure, but, hey, that's me. Give me a day or two...they really are cute.

And speaking of butts being colored.....

Have a wonderful Easter everyone!! I wish you eggs you can find easily...jelly beans for breakfast...and...Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs~~'cause you know they are so good!!

May the feeling of faith, hope and love be in all our hearts today and everyday...but especially today.


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Right back at ya'!

shrink on the couch said...

Three Musketeers for breakfast? yah. Easter.

Happy Easter to you, too!

smalltownme said...

Is there anything cuter than a painted baby butt? I don't think so.

3rdEyeMuse said...

*giggles ... lots and lots of giggles*

Janet said...

Unfortunately I can tell you what 6 inches looks like ;-(

Ooooh, I saw what Michelle made and I can't wait to see yours!

Karen MEG said...

Awww, thanks for that photo .. cute Easter butts for sure!

Happy Easter to you!

Ms. Lea said...


Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Those baby butts are something else. Hope you had a great Easter!