Sunday, December 23, 2007

A very important public announcement....

Once I was perusing the videos on YouTube (yes, I much more that needs to be done before Santa gets here...but....*sigh*)...ANyway....I came across this and, NEED to see this.

It's an announcement about COOTIES....
"speak to your kids about cooties...before cooties speaks to them first".

Go to and prepare to have a really great laugh today!!!

And after watching....I'm wondering....just how long do the inoculations last?? I can remember getting a shot or two in 2nd or 3rd I still protected?!?!?!


Lauren said...

I am off to watch it - but I have a YouTube tip for you first.

If you look at a video on YouTube you will see there is something off to the right labeled "embedded". If you cut and then copy that code into your blog the YouTube video will play directly from your blog. {occasionally it says "embedding disabled - but it is rare.}

dkuroiwa said...

Thanks for the tip Lady L. Will try to see if I can do that as soon as the 'dust has settled' on the Christmas frenzy!!!
Hope you and yours are having a warm and sunny Southern Cal. Christmas!!
Much love and hugs to you all.