Thursday, January 10, 2013

ahem....hi. my name is debbie and i haven't posted here in 6 months..

i have no excuses.
no grand reports of world travels
 or secret liasons that kept me from
updating since...when? july?

i'm not even sure if i'm on anyone's "radar" anymore.
and that? is okay.
when i started this blog in may of 2006 (586 posts ago),
it was before i wasn't going to be able to go to the states for the summer and, to be honest, i was a little depressed about that.  blogging helped me "meet" friends and gave me something else to think about.

since last july, we've been busy....doing a lot of little things....but things that, when i sat down here to tell you about, didn't seem too interesting or "blogworthy".  so, i typed out a sentence or two over on facebook and called it good....and that became the pattern.
not a bad pattern, but still....not blogging.
i'm back.
i've missed it here.
it will be
baby steps

baby. steps....
cute, little bitty baby steps...
to get some blogging mojo back.

i hope you're having a good one....
it's cold here in nagasaki and if it's cold outside, it's freakin' freezing INside the house.
 yikes.  not too much fun.
i may have a blogpost soon on
"how to stay warm in japan"....i've had a lot of experience in this.

stay  blogging hiatus may be about over.


Moxy Jane said...

While I love seeing you over on FB, I've missed your blog voice, too. I'm trying to find the time to blog as well..."Baby steps" is definitely my motto!

Clare Maree said...

Hi Debbie! Good to see you back. Looking forward to seeing your posts.

smalltownme said...

Hi, Debbie! You're always on my radar.

dkuroiwa said...

thanks my friends...i think that i needed your comments....i'll be posting soon.

Leeann said...

ALways, always glad to hear from you!

I might be making stealth posts on my blog sometimes as well. :-)


The Girl Next Door said...

I hear you girl! Taking baby steps myself. Glad we keep in touch on FB but miss your posts!!

Janet said...

lol that was the one thing I disliked about living off was coooooold, and those kerosene heaters stink!

The Other Laura said...

You are always on my radar! Maybe you'll inspire me to blog more often... sigh.

ChiTown Girl said...

YAY!! I'm so happy you're back. You've been sorely missed. :(

Busy Bee Suz said...

Blogging is so much better than Facebook, so stay here. Pleaseeeeeeeee.

dkuroiwa said...

i really wish there was a *like* button here in the blogging world...or even a *love* one....i'd be clicking it all over all your comments!!

JO said...

Yayyyyyy! Glad you are back over here! I too am taking babysteps over in Oz Land, Ya know, like we have all the time in the world or something. :-)

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Love to hear from you whenever, wherever. Okay, it's best if you are sitting on my couch drinking a margarita.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

I want to be on Jenn's couch drinking margaritas with Debbie, too!

Now that I just got my unread posts down to 75, you are going to start blogging again?! Sheesh.
Yes, please write about staying warm in a cold house and I promise to come back even if my reader is overflowing again (still)!

Littlebit said...

Yay for blogging in baby steps! I'll take what I can get!