Wednesday, December 15, 2010

it all started with an Egyptian scarf and Maxine

You know how some days, nothing really fun or memorable happens.  Sometimes, you just find yourself in the dailiness that is life and you don't really think much about it.
I do this.
And then....something happens that makes me sit back and go "Whoa! That was fun!"
A couple of weeks ago, one of those somethings happened.

I'm still smiling about it.

One of my students had just come back from a 10-day trip to Egypt (I know...color me envious!)
This particular student went to Turkey a few years ago and along with the great stories of her travels and pictures, brought a scarf for me.  A pashmina/silk scarf that is just beautiful and one that I wear more often than not.  So, when she beckoned me over to her seat and handed me a bag (with Cleopatra written on the side!), I have to admit, I was a bit excited.

Along with a small bottle of lotus oil perfume (which gives me a new working definition of exotic, thank you very much) was another scarf.
Not just any scarf.
A silk scarf.

On my way home, as I gently ran my fingers over the smoothness of this lovely piece of beautifulness, I thought to myself, "This is screaming for a black dress to go with it."

Now....let me explain Wednesday is the 3rd annual Debbie and Friends Holiday Party
(Click on the link if you want to see the blog post from last year.)
It's the one evening in the year that I can really dress up. 
I had already decided on a dress to wear...kind of an old "new" dress that no one has seen before.
But,  I'm sorry.  That old thang will not work.
I need a black dress.

The next day, as I was messing around, stalking flirting around on the internet and in many of its lovely places I venture into.....I found a really funny cartoon that I posted for one, two, three, four of my thrift-shop-loving-friends who I thought would get a giggle.
"I'd do all my Christmas shopping online,
 but thrift stores don't usually have a website."

From there, it gets a little hazy as to how we got to where we are today.....but to make a long story short,
someone found all 3 of her daughters Christmas dresses for something incredibly silly like $20...lots of "oohs" and "aaaahs" and I may have commented that I was envious of this because I really needed a thrift store to find a black dress and I wondered if I could find which someone else said "well sure" which I then wrote:
I need something 16.....go.
(I may have also gently suggested that she just get her scrawny butt down to that store and check it I's all kind of hazy.)

In less than 12 hours, my friends....I had a black,
sexy and
the right size dress
with my name on it 
hanging in a room, somewhere in the United States.
And in about a was here.
(All for less than $20! BooYah!!)
It's perfect.
I'm gonna look gorgeous.
And there was a pair of earrings in the box, too.
I almost cried at that. totally top it all put the "icing on the cake" so to speak....the same day the dress came,
there was another box....same size...from someone else in a whole 'nuther part of the States...with this....

Then.....I did cry.

It was an absolutely...incredibly memorable day.
People ask me why I blog...or why I spend so much time over in that social networking site...and I tell them, "because that's where a lot of my really good friends are."

* am not going to show you a picture of the dress're just going to have to wait.
I'm building some drama here,'re gonna want to come back!
Oh yes, you will.

Have a great day, my friends.
May something memorable happen to you...or 
something that makes you feel loved!


Lee said...

Thanks for sharing all that good will. ~smiles~

Janet said...

ahhhh, I love the internet :-) Can't wait to see your dress!!!

smalltownme said...

I'm smiling!

The Other Laura said...

I'm smiling now too!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

What a great story--why don't you wear it at BlogHer in San Diego next summer (nudge, nudge)!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Boo. Ya. I love that kind of deal. I have a formal event every January, so I buy a $20 or less clearance dress every May from the leftover holiday dresses and save it for the next year. One year I paid more for alterations than I did the dress.

Yarni Gras! said...

I love this post! I can't wait to see the dress!!!!!